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Brayden Automation News & Events
We would like to thank our Dealers, our Customers, and everyone who has helped make Brayden Automation what it is today. We appreciate your loyalty and look forward to another great year with you!
Currently we produce electronic newsletters for our Energy Sentry and Solid State Instruments divisions. Our goal is not only to inform you about product development and company updates, but also to provide educational information and helpful tips. Below are some of our most recent topics.

Latest Energy Sentry News
Demand Control for Churches
What is Energy Demand Management?
Energy Demand Management involves regulating the rate of energy use so energy is used in a more efficient way. Many times a higher quantity of energy is used at a specific time during the day. This is referred to as a “peak” in energy use.Demand Calculations
This is your own personal cheat sheet for calculating demand (kW)
Load Factor Calculations
Load factor, in essence, means efficiency. It is the ratio of actual kilowatt-hours used in a given period, divided by the total possible kilowatt-hours that could have been used in the same period, at the peak kW level established by the customer during the billing period.

Latest SSI News
Pulse Data from AMI Meters now a Reality
The MPG-1 wireless meter pulse generator integrates AMI smart meters with legacy KYZ pulse metering.
Many times in commercial energy management projects, it’s difficult or just about impossible to get KYZ pulses from the meter. This can be because of the proximity of the meter to the building, the cost or delay of getting a KYZ output installed, or any number of additional factors involved with monitoring energy use and demand.
New Metering Pulse Totalizers
Streamlined and More Versatile
Solid State Instruments is happy to announce an exciting improvement of our line of metering pulse totalizers. In order to take advantage of a faster and more flexible microcontroller, we are releasing the new MPT-2C, MPT-4C, and MPT-8C Metering Pulse Totalizers.
These new metering pulse totalizers will replace the previous versions of our MPTs, including the MPT-2, the MPT-2, the MPT-4B-PS, the MPT-4SB-PS, and the MPT-8B. In addition to streamlining our product offering, these new totalizers have standardized features with more capability, such as:
2-wire or 3-wire Inputs
Additive and Subtractive Inputs
Demand Information
2-Channel Outputs

Latest PulseConnex News
Churches Monitor PV Systems with PulseConnex
Many organizations are looking to solar to provide relief from high electric bills, but with complicated net metering rates and data provided by the utility up to a month after occurrence, it can be hard to know how efficiently a solar PV array is operating. Since PulseConnex taps into pulse information directly from the meter, using PulseConnex with a solar PV system can provide visual confirmation of when a building is truly operating off the grid.